Above: Jesus with the Apostle Bartholomew, then John and finally James.



PHOTO  aiutoMARIA:                                          
                                             "Il Vessillo"      12 April 2012     -ITALY -                                                                                                                 Ps 109 (110)   
                                 " To you the principality in the day of your power,
                                                                   in holy splendours,                                
                                             from dawn, like dew, I have begotten you."


II° shoot

III°  shoot

IV°  shoot
V°   shoot

"Pen of God"

This beautiful little girl is
MARIA VALTORTA (1897-1961)
of the Order of Servants of Mary

She has been nicknamed "God's Pen" due to her long she
and privileged mystical experience with our Lord Jesus, who 70 years ago was pleased to enrich us all: both with unprecedented details regarding His experience of earthly life, and also with wisdom teachings explained to us who live in this rationalized time that inhibits the faith discrediting what is veiled from reason.

Thank you Jesus
Jesus authoritatively teaches how from the chair and crumbles the Bread of Life, together with the fallacious theories on evolutionism. Dictated and written in Italian, for us in the peninsula it is an indestructible matrix because it is not subject to updates and translations. Furthermore, the literary heritage is private, has been published and is no longer secretable. 12,000 pages at our complete disposal written in over 15 years ..
Thanks Jesus Thanks Maria.

Maria Valtorta
Prayer to ask God
public recognition
of virtues:
(multimedia translation)
God, infinite and eternal Mercy, who in Maria Valtorta,
your humble creature,
you have manifested the wonders
of your Love, glorify this
your daughter who agreed to join
to the passion of your Son until
to the total consumption in a bed
of pain.
O Lord of inexhaustible Goodness
than the life example of your handmaid,
her heroic testimony,
perseverance to the point of total gift, convert the hearts of sinners,
kindle the love of the lukewarm,
let charity flare up in everyone.
O Lord who united -Maria Valtorta- to Christ, Man-God, as a bride to the corcifix,
let the holy Church recognize her virtues and her mission and offer it to all the faithful as
model to imitate, and to ask for intercession with you.
For Christ our Lord.

MARIANISM Medjugorje:
"What do you think?"
(Mt 21, 28-32)
Jesus with the apostle Bartholomew,
then Giovanni and Giacomo

  HOLY LAND: Betlemme